Exciting News for 2017


2017 has started off with a bang for my writing career. I have just signed a contract for WRATH OF THE TOOTH FAIRY with the publishing company REUTS. This is a debut novel in a world some readers might be familiar with from my short stories. If you enjoyed Confessions of the Orgasm Fairy (published on Tryptic Tales), Careers for Magical Creatures and Dear Jezzy, you will also enjoy the sassy, sexy humor of WRATH OF THE TOOTHFAIRY.

Confessions of the Orgasm Fairy


Careers for Magical Creatures


Dear Jezzy


In other news, for the last two years I have been writing and editing The Memory Thief Series which is a steampunk romance that takes place on a Japanese colonized planet. The fourth book in this series came out earlier this month. I have two more novels set to come out later this year and possibly a novella. I am busy with edits and more busy with my current project. . . .

I knew that eventually I would write about what it is like being a teacher, but in a funny way, rather than the depressing reality we teachers actually live in. That, combined with the fact that I have always wanted to be a teacher at Hogwarts, got the wheels in my head turning. I used to teach an after-school class called “Myth, Magic and Muggles” and dressed up as a witch and so did my students. In addition to editing and working at my day job, I have been writing the first novel in my series, Wombies School for Wayward Witches. It is a blast to write and I can’t wait to release the first book, later in the year.